[. . . ] USING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, IT IS NECESSARY TO TAKE APPROPRIATE PRECAUTIONS INCLUDING: 1 Ensure that the voltage of the appliance is the Same as that of the electricity supply. 2 Never leave the appliance unattended when It is connected to the power supply; unplug it after use. 3 During use, rest the appliance onto a horizontal and lit up surface. [. . . ] 18 Make sure that your hands are dry before using or adjusting the switches on the appliance, or before touching the plug and power connections. 19 To remove the plug, grab it directly and unplug it from the socket-outlet. 20 The appliance is not to be used if it has been dropped, if there are visible sign of damage or if it is leaking. Do not use the appliance if the power cord or the plug are damaged, or if the appliance is faulty. To prevent any accident, all repairs, including the replacement of the power cord, must be carried out by an Authorised Service Centre or, in any case, by TXDOL¿HGSHUVRQQHO 21 This appliance is designed only for private use, and is therefore to be considered unsuitable for commercial or industrial purposes. 22 $Q\ PRGL¿FDWLRQV PDGH RQ WKLV SURGXFW WKDW are not explicitly authorised by the manufacturer may lead to the forfeiture of its safety and guarantee of its use by the user. 23 In the event that this appliance is to be disposed of, it is suggested that the power chord is cut off. It is also recommended that all potentially dangerous components are rendered harmless to prevent children hurting themselves when playing with the apparatus. 24 Do not leave the packaging near children because it is potentially dangerous. 25 The product cannot be powered by external timers or with separate remote control systems. If necessary, clean the FRRNLQJSODWHZLWKDVRIWGDPSFORWK:KHQXVHGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHWKHDSSOLDQFHPD\ give out a little smoke. This is due to the heating of some of the components and is no cause for concern. During cooking, the operation indicator light turns on and off periodically to maintain the selected temperature. Warning Do not touch the cooking plate during use or immediately after it is turned off. After using the cooking plate, to remove food residue, use a plastic spatula. To optimise the cooking/boiling times follow these suggestions: - Set the temperature regulation control knob on MAX. [. . . ] 18 Sørg altid for at have helt tørre hænder inden betjening eller regulering af afbryderne på apparatet eller inden berøring af stikket og forsyningstilslutningerne. Følg disse råd for at optimere tiden for tilberedning/kogning af vand. Følg disse rådene for optimale tider for steking/vannkoking:: - Innstill temperaturbryter på MAX. [. . . ]